It is no deniable that fruits and veggies are essential components of a healthy diet, providing us with vital nutrients and contributing to our overall well-being. Ironically, sad to break this to you, they are not as ‘healthy’ as we wish to believe. *glass break*
In today’s modern farming, the use of pesticides has tainted our fruits and vegetables (also, our confidence eh hem!). This is to keep them fresh, disease-free, longer-lasting, and looking ‘flawless’ by the time they arrive in our grocery stores and onto our dining tables.
Whilst some are concerned about pesticides, many are still not. This prolonged consumption of pesticide-laden produce actually poses serious health concerns, especially to our vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems. Nevertheless, this does not exclude you too! Yes, you!

In this article, we would like to share with you – how the inevitable ingestion of pesticide-produce affects your gut aka your digestive tract, or medically known as gastrointestinal (GI).
Disruption of our Gut Microbial
Pesticides may lead to an imbalance in our inner community of microorganisms residing in our digestive tract, possibly linking to health conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, metabolic disorder, and immune system dysfunction.
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Compromised gut due to ingested pesticides allows restricted/ harmful substances to pass through our intestine barrier thus entering into our bloodstream. Leaky guts may cause bloating, fatigue, headaches, akin problems (e.g. acne, eczema etc), and widespread inflammation.
Interfering our Immune System
Pesticide exposure also affects the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), which is an essential part of our immune system located in our intestinal walls. This disruption may compromise the immune response in the gut, leading to an increased susceptibility to infections, allergies, and other inflammatory conditions.
Impairing out Body’s Nutrient Absorption
Pesticides may disrupt nutrient transporters or enzymes involved in our body’s nutrient absorption processes, impairing our body’s ability to obtain adequate nutrition from the food we take.
In short, the presence of pesticides in our bodies over a prolonged period causes an inflammatory reaction, thus leading to other underlying health concerns mentioned.
“Our trusted nutritionist also feels passionate about avoiding chemical-based pesticides. She also attributed body inflammatory responses and gut microbiome illness in her patients partly to pesticides residues in their food.”

Worry not; here are a few simple practices at home to help you reduce pesticide exposure:
- By thoroughly washing or soaking your fruits and vegetables with filtered water, and peeling off unwanted skins.
- Seeking organic options especially “Dirty Food” category such as berries, nectarine, kale, celery, tomatoes, etc.
- Consuming a diverse diet by rotating food sources to reduce exposure to a single class of pesticides.
- Planting a few easy-to-grow fruits and vegetables in your backyard or balcony so you have more control over your intake.
Do not let the fear of pesticides hinders you from eating fruits and veggies. We highly believe that you must fulfil your daily intake of these rainbow foods. Be mindful of what goes into your digestive system and learn to incorporate one or two practices to reduce your exposure to pesticides.