Another diet fad? NOPE! Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle approach that has been gaining popularity since the early 20th century for its positive impact on overall well-being.

Elon Musk reportedly did it – and so was Twitter’s former CEO, Jack Dorsey!

Intermittent fasting is like hitting the PAUSE button on your eating habit, giving your body a chance to reset and rejuvenate. It’s a rhythmic cycle between nourishing meals and intentional periods of fasting. 

In this article, we will explore FIVE of the KEY BENEFITS of intermittent fasting. 

I. Weight Management and Fat Loss

Myth or not –  Several studies have demonstrated positive impact of intermittent fasting on  weight loss and body composition. HOW? By restricting eating window, your body starts to depletes and utilise it’s glycogen storage. Hence, it promotes fat burning and ultimately weight loss. 

Reference Studies: The “16/8 Method” Study, The “Alternate-Day Fasting” Study & The “Warrior Diet” Study

II. Improved Heart Health

 Intermittent fasting has been associated with various heart-protective benefits. 

Studies have shown that it can lead to reduced levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammatory markers. These improvements contribute to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

Reference Studies: The Heart-Finest Study, The Ramadan Risk Study & The Eat Study

III. Enhanced Brain Health

Intermittent fasting offers significant benefits to our brain and cognitive function. 

During fasting, your body produces a form of protein that supports the growth and maintenance of neurons (AKA as our brain’s messenger) – called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF has been linked to improved memory, learning, and overall brain health, possibly reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Published Studies: Cell Metabolism Journal 2019, The Aging Journal 2020 & Current Alzheimer’s Research 2021

IV. Balanced Sugar Level

Whenever we eat, our blood sugar level rises, then followed by a subsequent drop when insulin comes in to clear glucose (sugar) in our bloodstream.

The more micro meals we took throughout the day – WHICH ARE the notorious snacking and binge eating habits- the more spikes our body experiences. Intermittent fasting stabilise our blood sugar level by preventing these frequent spikes and crashes in blood sugar level throughout the day. 

V. Increased Energy and Focus

 We know what you are thinking – how is that possible? As quoted by Max Lugavere – a brain health expert, 

“When we are fasting, the level of neurotransmitter involved in focus, attention, alertness and memory increase.” 

When our poor body depletes its glycogen reserves and switches to burning stored fat for energy, our liver converts fatty acids into ketones through a process called ketogenesis. 

The presence of ketones during intermittent fasting play a roll in helping our brain to perform at its optimal level – through enchanted mental clarity, supercharge focus and our cognitive function. 

Our dear readers, it is essential to note that intermittent fasting may not be suitable for everyone – especially if you are pregnant, breast feeding, history of eating disorder or other health complications. 

We highly suggest that you consult your healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen. With proper understanding of your own  body, coupled with guidance and tailored approach by health expert, intermittent fasting can be your powerful tool in optimising your health and living a balanced lifestyle. 

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