“I felt very inadequate; I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life.”
These were the very words of Adele, the Adele. These same sentiments of postpartum blues were shared by Celine Dion, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, and more…
Even for strong women who’re rocking the stage, they have also shared vulnerably the raw feelings of postpartum blues and depression. Too often, mothers feel the need to hide away their pain, grief, inadequacy, guilt, tiredness and loneliness.
Here’s the reality – mothers are humans too. It is time we acknowledge the sucky blues, and talk about them.

While postpartum blues and depression may look similar, they are not to be confused. The latter tends to show up more severely, and for a longer period of time while the former resolves typically within 2-3 weeks of delivery.
Symptoms of Postpartum Blues
Did you know? Up to 80% of mums experience postpartum blues. And it can look like:
- Feelings of sadness
- Crying episodes
- Fatigue
- Trouble sleeping
As testified by Celine Dion, “one moment, tremendous happiness; the next, fatigue sets in, and I cried for no reason… Some of the first days after I came home, I had no appetite… had moments of lifelessness, but (my mother) reassured me that this was completely normal.”

When It Turns Into Depression
However, postpartum blues can also develop into depression and symptoms can persist for up to 1 year after birth:
- Severe mood swings
- Sleeping too little or too much
- Feelings of inadequacy and/or shame
- Difficulty bonding with baby
- Thoughts of harming oneself or baby
- Recurring thoughts of death/suicide
- Withdrawal from support system
In the words of Gwyneth Paltrow, Chrissy Teigen, Vanessa Lachey and the like, they talked about “feeling like a zombie, being unable to access my emotions”, being “sleep-deprived beyond belief, having “the fear of ‘messing up’ this child” and “so tired of being in pain”.

In cases of persistent postpartum depression, there’s absolutely no shame in seeking professional help – whether that looks like anti-depressant medication, therapy, or seeking a support group.
We know how hard trying can be… especially in a trying time. But if you have a little spare tank in you today, we encourage you to try one of these:
- Eat more omega-3 and these happy-hormone nutrition foods (https://itspieority.com/body/10-best-soul-foods-eat-your-way-to-happiness/)
- Even a 10-minute walk in sunshine is good!
- Nap times whenever baby is napping (or whenever you can)
- A reminder that you deserve to be pampered – a bubble bath, manicure, a Netflix time-out
- Community, community, community. Find emotional support from loved ones – whether it’s a short dinner, text messages, or calls
- Connect with other mummies – it might help to go out there & make friends with people in similar life stages

The saying goes for a reason — it takes a village to raise a child. You’re simply not meant to do motherhood alone.
This new journey is indeed an overwhelming time – of figuring out a new identity while retaining your old self, learning to balance new responsibilities. Life feels like a new jigsaw puzzle to be pieced together.
Here’s your reminder today that needing help isn’t weakness.
“I still mourn the loss of what could have been, but I also feel deep gratitude for those who stood by me, for the lesson that we must never be afraid to ask for help, and for the feeling of summer that still remains.” – Bryce Dallas

Here’s to finding an everlasting of warm sunshine and summer – the joys of experiencing this life in its fullness, even amidst what may feel like the coldest of winters.
As we enter new seasons and phases, it’s always good to find balances. Here at It’s Pieority, we aim to provide our community with convenient and relatable content on intentional daily living. Stay connected with us at @itspieority on Instagram!